
Recipe: Lor Mee (Braised Noodles) 卤面

Pre-Covid, Hubby and I used to go out a few times a week for our lunches, eating up delicious hawker food and noodles. Nowadays, we still don't go out much for meals, and would rather cook up our own at home. One of the dishes I learnt how to make at home is one of my favourite noodle dishes, Lor Mee. 

Lor Mee 卤面 is like the white version of Hokkien mee, served in a thick gravy and with black vinegar. It is usually made with thick yellow noodles, but you know what, udon is a fantastic substitute for any braised noodle dishes. In the Lor Mee sauce, you will usually find pork loin (you can use chicken too), fish cake and prawns, along with some greens (choy sum or pak choy would work). I always serve the black vinegar on the side; so you can customize the taste as you like. This took me under 20 minutes to make, so easy! Will definitely be making this more often from now on for lunches.

Lor mee recipe

Loh mee recipe Loh mee recipe Loh mee recipe Loh mee recipe Loh mee recipe Loh mee recipe

Lor Mee 卤面 (Braised Noodles)
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 12-15 minutes
Serves 2

400g udon noodles
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp cooking oil
80g chicken breast or pork loin, sliced
1 fish cake, sliced  
10 peeled prawns
1 pak choy, cut into 1" lengths

For the sauce
700ml hot water
1 tbsp chicken stock concentrate
1- 2 tsp light soy sauce
2 eggs, lightly beaten with 1/2 tsp light soy sauce
1 1/2 tbsp cornstarch, mixed with 3 tbsp water
A dash of white pepper
1/2 tsp ginger wine or Shaoxing wine

To serve
Narcissus Yongchun Laocu (black vinegar)
1 clove garlic, finely chopped mixed with light soy sauce

1. In a wok, heat oil over medium high heat. Add garlic and saute for 1-2 minutes, until lightly golden. Then, add chicken and fish cake and stir fry for 2 minutes. 

2. Add hot water and season with chicken stock concentrate, light soy sauce, ginger wine and white pepper, to taste. Add the beaten eggs in a steady stream and stir quickly and constantly with your fork, so that egg threads form. Then, add in pak choy, prawns and udon and cook for 2-3 minutes.

3. Pour in cornstarch mixture and stir well, until sauce has thickened. Serve noodles with black vinegar and garlic dipping sauce.

Loh mee recipe

Lor Mee braised noodles Lor Mee braised noodles Lor Mee braised noodles Lor Mee braised noodles Lor Mee braised noodles Lor Mee braised noodles Lor Mee braised noodles Lor Mee braised noodles
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