
How to Make Lemang (Without Bamboo)(Recipe Video)

 Firstly, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my Muslim friends and readers!

Lemang, together with rendang, are two of my favourite things to eat during Raya! So, for the past two years, we have been making these two dishes during the Raya celebrations. Here is a short recipe video we made today, showing the step-to-step instructions for making lemang at home (without the bamboo!):

Click here to watch the video on YouTube :)

The full written recipe can be found on this link.

lemang recipe lemang recipe lemang recipe lemang recipe lemang recipe lemang recipe lemang recipe
 how to make lemang at home how to make lemang at home how to make lemang at home how to make lemang at home how to make lemang at home how to make lemang at home how to make lemang home

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