
How to setup a blog in Google Blogger

Professional way to setup a blog in Google Blogger

How to setup a blog in Google Blogger

Hello friends, you are here that means you know what is blog and made up your mind to start a Google blog. Google Blog is called Blogger. Blogger is a Google product for free blogging. Here you do not need to pay any amount to start a blog. Everything here is free such as domain (with blogspot.com), themes, etc. But to make it completely professional that can meet the demand of the real world, you need to spend some amount which I will discuss later. Here we will first discuss how to setup a blog in Google Blogger.

How to setup a blog in Google Blogger step-by-step process...

STEP 1 Log on to www.blogger.com. If already have a Google account log in here otherwise create a new account.
STEP 2 Here I am assuming you have already logged in to Blogger. Here you will find a Create Blog option on the top left, click on that New Blog option. On clicking a window pop up will come asking for choose a name for your blog title. Here you have to give title of your blog (if possible try to give title matching your niche). After title name click NEXT. On clicking Next a new page will come asking for Blog URL, at this point you need to be very careful because you can't edit your blog URL once you save it. Give you blog a unique URL matching your niche and then save it. You are not allowed to change the default domain (blogspot.com), so leave it as it is. Later you can add custom domain if you want that I will tell you later in this article.

Your basic blog is ready now you can see your blog by clicking View blog at the bottom left of your console. Till now you have completed only 30% of your work. Rest we will do in Settings, Theme, Mandatory Pages, and Layout.

Now click on Settings from the left menu bar. You will find your blog title already present there, if you want you can change it otherwise leave it as it is. Next is Description this is very important, Search engines know your blog from your blog description only what your blog is all about. So write description very carefully in 500 words only. Next is Blog Language select your language in which you want to write blog posts by default it will be English. Next is Adult content keep it off if not required. Next is Google Analytics Property ID leave it for now at the bottom of this post a video is there explaning how to get Google Analytics Property ID.

Next is Favicon (Favicon is an icon associated with a particular website/blog, typically displayed in the address bar of a browser accessing the site or next to the site name in a user's list of bookmarks), you can make your desired fevicon here as per your requirement.

Next is Privacy (Visible to search engines) turn it ON to make your blog posts appear in SERP (search results). If you want to make your blog private then turn if OFF.

Next option is Publishing (Blog address and Custom domain). Blog address you have already entered. Now it's time to setup Custom domain, actually this is not mandatory to add custom domain but it is recommended to add to make your blog more valauble. Click on Custom domain, a window pop up will come asking for your domain name (eg www.mydomain.com), if already purchased put your domain name here or you can buy here a Google domain just by clicking Buy option.

Next is HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure), earlier it was HTTP but due to security reason it is now HTTPS which is more secure. Directly turn it ON.

Now leave all settings as default and scroll down directly to Formatting. Set your Time zone here, if you are in India set it as Kolkata, by default it will be Los Angeles.

Now scroll down to Meta tags, turn it ON and write all your Meta tags (Meta Tags - The keywords through which your blog can be searched through search engines) here in 150 words only.

Now scroll down to Crawlers and indexing, here first option is Enable custom robots.txt (A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages or files the crawler can or can't request from your site) simply enable it below that you will find Custom robots.txt. Generate Custom robots.txt file here. Next option is Enable custon robots header tags - Enable it, One important option here is Google Search Console, this option is also explained in video below in detail.


Next option is Monetization (Monetization is simply converting your blog into a platform that generates revenue. Simply, once you monetize your blog with an ad network such as Google adsense, Google will show ads on your blog or website through which your blog or website will generate revenue). Here you need to enable ads.txt option, below that you need to add Custom ads.txt file. Sign Up to Google Adsense and follow the steps shown in the figure below. And how to apply for Google Adsense check here.

how to setup google adsense
STEP 5 Next scroll down to General, Here you will get option User Profile click on this and complete your personal details and save it. That's it you are now all done.

How to get Google Adsense approval?

You are now completed your blog setup part, but for Google Adsense approval you are required to create some mandatory papes - Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, About Us, Contact Us, and XML sitemap.

Don't know how to create these mandatory papes for Google Adsense approval? - Don't worry you can create all these papes here very easily just by entering your Domain name and Email Id.

Creating just these pages is not enough to get Google Adsense approval, the Google algorithm checks the source of traffic coming to your blog (organic traffic, social sites, direct, etc.). Before approving Adsense, Google check several parameters of your blog. Google checks your blog content (there should be no plagiarism in your content), unnecessary redirects, broken links, Google policies and more.

So, once you started blogging you should be very careful with all these parameters for your smooth earning.

Video tutorial - How to setup a blog on Google blogger and how to apply for Google Adsense approval.

Video below demonstrate step-by-step process to setup a Google blog and how to apply for Google Adsense approval. It is always recommended that soon after blog setup do not apply for Google Adsense, first write minimum 25 posts and have an average of 300 daily traffic on your blog then only apply for Google Adsense. It will increase your chance to get approval soon.

Professional way to apply for Google Adsense approval

In the video blow can will get set-by-step process to apply for Google Adsense approval and how to fix Earning at risk Ads.txt file Error and how to add Custom Ads.text file in Blogger Monetization block.

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NOTE: For auto ads, you do not need to add script code to your blog head section, but in future, you may need to optimize your ads. So for that reason, you need to add script code to the Head section of your blog.

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