
How To Grow Your Blog Using Instagram

A complete guide on how to grow your blog using Instagram

How To Grow Your Blog Using Instagram

Instagram is all about visual content. It enables users to leverage the power of imagery because of the functions within the platform. This makes it the perfect medium to promote your blog.

You’ll have to get inventive now if you want to build your log with Instagram. You’ll also need to devise a strategy or plan of action. Thankfully, Instagram has the right tools you can use to reach out to users and expose them to your content. That said, below are some ideas on how to grow your blog with Instagram:

Network With Other Bloggers

The reason why building a network is good is that it exposes you to new audiences. If you want your blog to flourish, realize that it may be better to collaborate with others as opposed to being selfishly competitive. Doing it alone is not a wise idea and you risk failing to launch.

Networking starts with identifying other bloggers within your niche, following them, and then engaging with their content frequently. After that, you then reach out to some of these bloggers directly to establish deeper and more meaningful interactions, to establish collaborative relationships. Collaborations with other bloggers can grow your blog immensely. They can expose your content to their audience whilst you expose theirs to your followers by reposting and sharing stories. Therefore, it’s a win-win.

Note that the network building process may take time, so patience is required.

Share Links in Video Stories

With Instagram, you can add a link to your blog in the stories if you have over ten thousand followers. This is so that you can direct traffic towards your blog. Highlights are also effective at driving up traffic. You could explore the option of buying Instagram highlight views for greater engagement on your posts.

How does this functionality work in real-time? Consider the following scenario: you want to share a sneak preview of what you’re working on. Simply make a short video describing the contents of your future project or article and post the link on your website. People may navigate to your website by just swiping up. This is a good tactic since it makes your audience anticipate what will happen next. Showing your viewers behind-the-scenes activity in your creative process also creates trust.

Post Consistently

Consistency is the name of the social media game. Be consistent because the more you post, the more people can interact with your content. They will engage with your postings less if you publish less. There’s no way you’ll reach anybody if you don’t write anything, and your blog won’t expand if you don’t post at all.

Therefore, ensure that you post relevant things consistently to ensure that people always engage with your posts. The more you post, the more people you might reach. If you don’t have a large following as yet, simply buy Instagram followers to increase your audience. Also, to track your consistency with posting, you can use applications like CoSchedule to help with that.

Create A Great Instagram Profile

Your bio needs to create an excellent first impression. It's not advisable to leave your bio blank. Rather, provide a brief description of yourself, what you do, and add a call to action. A call to action is simply an invitation for users to visit your blog via the website link.

While you can add promotional information for your blog on the bio, try not to be overly promotional about it. This may ruin the chances of creating a great first impression. Just keep the bio nice, short, and sweet.

Create High-Quality Content

If you’re going to use Instagram to grow your blog, create high-quality content to capture users’ attention. Instagram is mainly a platform for sharing photos and videos. Also, since there’s so much content to scroll through on user feeds, it’s not always easy to get people’s attention. So, if you want your content to stand out, produce high-quality content.

People usually engage with, like, share, or comment on the posts that interest them. It has to be something that they like or value. People value things that are visually or aesthetically appealing. You want people to associate your content with the standard of high quality. Such that they can already expect that everything that you do, including what you post on your blog, matches that standard of quality that your Instagram page portrays.

Use Instagram Ads

Instagram ads are a great way to drive traffic, although you’ll have to pay for it. If you want to reach people beyond your current audience, it’s the quickest way to do so. You can use cool filters to zhuzh them up. Plus, you can select the target audience.

Also, according to Hootsuite, 27% of users say they discover new products and brands through paid social ads. This makes them a worthwhile option to consider. You can identify paid ads with a “sponsored” label.

Create A Good Caption or Story

While it's critical to make sure your visual material is on-point, don’t forget about the quality of your captions. Also, depending on what your blog is about (food, clothing, fashion, sports, history, etc.), the image or video you use may be just as significant as the text.

The caption should convince the reader to visit your blog. A good caption helps your readers understand the context of your post and what you’re trying to communicate. You could also use a caption to tell a story to be continued in your blog. In this instance, your caption has to captivate the reader to want to read more. If it does, they’ll follow the link to your website almost all the time.

Usually, a good story will always win the audience over. It’s often the words behind a post that people can relate to the most. People connect with authentic content. Remember, people are not robots. So don’t be afraid to let your human side shine through your content. Take the time to create great captions for your posts.


To grow your blog using Instagram successfully, you’ll have to be strategic. It’s not only about posting a delightful picture with a great caption, your posts have to be meaningful, too. Establish a theme and be consistent with it. Consistency is vital. For example, if your blog is themed black and white, use the same theme for Instagram. Moreover, make sure quality content is your standard, always.

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